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Better than or equal to Fannie Mae's standard loan pricing (risk-based pricing waivers for LTV ratios 80% with a credit score ≥ 680). Combine standard and HomeReady loans into MBS pools and whole loan commitments. Affordable Mortgage Insurance. Fannie Mae is committed to preventing mortgage fraud in both Short Sale and REO properties. Welcome to the newly designed! A new, cleaner look and feel that works on whatever device you use – desktop, phone or tablet.

Supreme Court is poised to consider the fate of a lawsuit that could mean billions of dollars for shareholders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and affect the push to end federal control of. Los gritos de fanny rg mi segundo canal: pagina de mi escuela EST 1: Facebook: https://www.f. Freddie Mac's charter is quite similar to that of Fannie Mae, in the sense that it expands the secondary market for mortgages and mortgage-backed securities by buying loans made by banks, savings.

© Bloomberg Single-family homes are seen in this aerial photograph taken over a Lennar Corp. development in San Diego, California, U.S., on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020. U.S. sales of previously owned homes surged by the most on record in July as lower mortgage rates continued to power a residential real estate market that's proving a key source of strength for the economic recovery.

(Bloomberg) -- A White House-backed effort to free mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from government control has been cast into doubt by former Vice President Joe Biden's victory over President Donald Trump.

That leaves Trump officials with roughly two-and-a-half months to lock in whatever changes they can to Fannie, Freddie and the nation's $10 trillion housing-finance system. If they run out of time, it would be a big setback for Fannie and Freddie shareholders, a group that has included hedge fund giants and major Trump donors such as John Paulson of Paulson & Co.

Fannie and Freddie are the backbone of the mortgage market with control over the terms at which roughly half of the country's borrowers can get loans. The federal government took them over during the 2008 financial crisis, eventually injecting them with more than $187 billion in bailout money. In return, the government got warrants to acquire nearly 80% of the companies' shares, as well as a new class of 'senior' preferred stock that now has a balance of about $222 billion.

Since 2008, Congress and two presidential administrations have tried and failed to pass legislation that would either reform Fannie and Freddie or replace them with a new system. Under Trump, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria decided to take a different tack, pushing toward releasing the companies from U.S. control with less drastic changes.

The FHFA is independent of the administration, and Calabria is serving a five-year term that ends in 2024. But Biden's administration would need to sign off on any amendments to the bailout contracts after Jan. 20.

Shareholders lauded the move, which increased the likelihood that their stock would rise in value. But Democrats and some Republicans said releasing the companies would bring back aspects of the systemic vulnerabilities that cratered the economy in 2008.

While Biden hasn't outlined a path for Fannie and Freddie, many policy analysts believe he's likely to try to stop plans for release and instead use the companies to improve housing affordability. If he insists that Congress pass legislation to reform them, as President Barack Obama did, that could mean indefinite limbo for Fannie's and Freddie's shareholders.

Bailout Agreements

To avoid that outcome, shareholders' fervent hope is that Mnuchin and Calabria before Jan. 20 come to terms on an amendment to Fannie's and Freddie's bailout agreements that Biden can't unwind. Such an amendment could reduce the government's massive stake in the companies, making it easier for shareholders to see a higher value on their own stock.

Officials at the FHFA and Treasury Department have been working on such an amendment for months, said a person familiar with the matter, and long have been in agreement on some of the issues that such an amendment would contain. Treasury in 2019 released a housing-finance reform plan that included a list of items that the amendment would address, including limiting Fannie and Freddie's multifamily businesses and reducing the amount of mortgages the companies can keep in their investment portfolios.

An FHFA spokesman and a Paulson & Co. representative declined to comment. Treasury officials didn't respond to a request for comment.

Cowen & Co. analyst Jaret Seiberg, in a research note on Friday, wrote that Biden's Treasury secretary could throw up a roadblock to recapitalizing Fannie and Freddie. But if the Senate remains under Republican control, he wrote, Congress would be less likely to pass legislation to block the FHFA from ending the conservatorships.

Shareholders also hope Calabria will release Fannie and Freddie under a consent decree before a new administration takes over, further limiting government control.

Another wrinkle comes this December, when the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear a case brought by shareholders that challenges changes made to the companies' bailout contracts in 2012. As part of that case, the court will decide whether the FHFA director should be able to be fired at will by the president. The court is expected to issue its decision by the middle of next year, which could give Biden the ability to fire Calabria.

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©2020 Bloomberg L.P.


If you've ever gone completely through the mortgage process you know full well there are rules that lenders must follow.

From federal compliance to following lending procedures, it sometimes seems a lender's series of questions will never end.

There are definite reasons for all of this and you should certainly know that lenders would rather ask fewer questions than more. As it relates to qualifying for a mortgage, the lender must determine your loan application meets established guidelines.

The majority of home loans approved today are conventional mortgages underwritten to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines. It's vitally important that lenders adhere to these guidelines to keep them in business. In the mortgage industry, there is a secondary mortgage market that lenders participate in far beyond the closing of your loan. This secondary market is the buying and selling of mortgage loans, either individually or packaged up in bulk and sold.

Why do lenders buy and sell mortgage loans?

Why don't they just keep a loan in their portfolio and collect the monthly interest?

Two basic reasons. A lender can improve its own cash flow selling a loan early and not wait to receive interest from the borrower. This is similar to selling a discounted note to collect immediate proceeds instead of waiting over a relatively long period. The second, and most important, is that selling a loan replenishes a lender's credit line allowing the lender to make still more loans. In fact, one of the primary missions of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was to free up funds and creating liquidity in the secondary market. As long as a loan met the standards for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the loan could easily be sold.

But Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Aren't Exactly The Same

Sometimes a loan underwritten to a Freddie standard might be turned down yet when approved with Fannie guidelines the loan could very well be approved.

An experienced lender who has access to both programs will know in advance which set of guidelines to use. You, the borrower, don't necessarily need to know which guidelines best suit your situation but your lender must. All too often a mortgage company turns down a loan application when the only issue was because the loan application was underwritten under the wrong program. In most respects, if a loan application is submitted to a lender it could typically be approved under either, but in others it can't.

Basic Differences Of Fannie Mae vs. Freddie Mac

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are almost identical as it relates to approval guidelines. There are loan limits for each program and loans can be used to finance a primary residence, a second home or an investment property.

There are both fixed rate and adjustable rate loan types and both require a down payment. Yet there are differences and even though the difference may appear minor at first glance that difference can mean whether or not a loan is approved. Lenders who intimately understand these guidelines won't waste any time underwriting a loan using the wrong parameters.

As it relates to rental income for example, a loan underwritten to Fannie guidelines and approved using its Automated Underwriting System, can accept rental income to help qualify even though there is no valid, signed lease agreement whereas Freddie Mac does not allow rental income to be used if there is no lease agreement nor a security deposit.

In another update, Freddie Mac only recently changed its view on landlord experience and just like Fannie no longer requires landlord experience.

Blended Ratios

Blended debt ratios are those using the occupying borrower's income and debt along with a cosigner's income and debt. A blended ratio simply adds everything together as if it were one borrowing entity. Fannie Mae has just recently accepted blended ratios as Freddie Mac has.

Fanny San Freddy Coloring Pages

Does a condominium project need an approval?

Fannie Mae accepts a limited condo review if the automated underwriting system lists that a limited review is acceptable. A streamlined review for Freddie Mac is acceptable even though there is no message in the loan findings it is acceptable.

Is the loan funding directly into a Trust?

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Fannie only requires the pertinent pages from the trust and does not require the title to be hold exclusively in the trust. Freddie Mac guidelines require all pages of the trust to be submitted and reviewed by the lender and title can then only be held by the trust, not the trustee or the borrowers.

New job in the future?

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Then you probably have an employment contract. Fannie guidelines require you to begin work prior to closing on your new mortgage while with Freddie you can start to work within 90 days of closing.

Mistake on a credit report?

Freddie Mac guidelines say that a disputed account in the credit file doesn't require any confirmation of the accuracy of the disputed account whereas Fannie Mae does. With Fannie, the disputed account must in fact be removed from the credit report and resubmitted to the automated underwriting system.

There are other differences and you might come away thinking these differences are so minor they don't matter. But they do if any of these examples apply to your situation.

Here at Home Point, we know the differences upfront and your loan will be submitted under the proper program for a smooth loan approval process.


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